An Unexpected Gift

Just the fifth day after my birthday, an "unexpected gift" arrived at my desk this morning.
Just started chatting on Yahoo Messenger with a friend, because my brain was sending a call for work orders, then I immediately plug my flash disk. OH NO! What a surprise, I found that my work files folder was suddenly lost,,, (with memory: 0 bytes). And I never store these files elsewhere.

Kept silent for a moment, told the recent situation to my chat mates, and immediately tried an opportunity by using my office mate’s computer. The result = SAME COURSE = "I am dying". Still trying to be calm-- mmmm ... (I think that trying to be calm is the characteristics of maturity), I tried to hold back my tears.

Oh, it was so bad. Bad. I stopped thinking too much for a while. Just complained telling some friends of what just happened, but no body could solve this trouble, and it became more "perfect" due to there was no IT officer on duty at that moment.

Suddenly, the boss made a phone call to me, and "HELLO! Are you sick, Lia?”, wow, my sick girl voice, slightly improved the situation, in order to complain telling my boss this fucking thing. And uhm.. this was the solution from my boss: "Contact the IT officer!". That's it, then he asked me for a help *WORK*.

With a loyal employee's responsibility, I continued to work while thinking what should I do with the missing data.

Oh dear, think about this just makes more dizzy. All files of my work were there.


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